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Etsy Sellers, I’ve Got SEO Tricks You NEED To Know

No matter the product, price, or location of your Etsy business, Etsy sellers are always on the hunt for the next big thing that can make their product sell. But, between daily shipping commitments, an affinity for beautiful product photos, and managing customer reviews, selling your products on Etsy is no easy task. So, to […]

How To Set Up The Yoast SEO Plugin In WordPress

  “SEO” might be a scary-sounding three-lettered term, but it just means making sure your website is clean and spam-free. Once you’ve demystified the word, learning to do it yourself really isn’t so tough. And, Yoast SEO helps perfect your on-site SEO techniques. We all dream of achieving the high traffic to our website. As […]

How to Install the Yoast SEO Plugin for WordPress

If you’re not already a pro, using WordPress for SEO can be a tough skill to learn. So for a tip on that front, we’re big fans of the Yoast SEO plugin. As it turns out, there’s been a built-in fix to our SEO woes all along. We just never realized it until we installed […]

Why I Use Asana

  If you’re anything like me, you have big goals for this year. And, one that probably tops the list is to stop procrastinating, and finally get your workspace organized. But this might be easier said than done, which is why I’ve combed through all project management systems for orderly workflows to inspire a revamp. […]

How-To Series: Understanding Image File Format Extensions

Heyo friend! I’m launching a weekly tips + tools series for you! I wanted to create this type of series to help you learn more about SEO, websites, design, and the basics on understanding WordPress and blogging. The more you learn, the more I learn. Fingers crossed I can stick to my New Year’s resolution! Also, this can […]

Consistency in Branding Breeds Legitimacy

Authenticity was a big buzzword in branding for awhile, okay we’re not fooling anyone, it’s still a buzzword, but there’s another one making the rounds lately that we think could use some clarification. That word is consistency. We hear “be consistent with your branding” and your “consistent brand image,” and although it seems like a […]

6 of the Best Branding Resources for Your Biz

6 of the Most Killer Branding Resources For You & Your Biz Anything and everything you could need to know as it relates to branding can be found on the internet, but you already know that. But what you may not know is that a lot of the branding content out there actually doesn’t do a […]

My Favorite Post-Workout Yoga Routine

Here at Hello Anna Branding, I’ve officially hopped on the fitness bandwagon again. Thanks to Hammer Smith Sports, I’m back at training to make the Atlanta Silverbacks Women’s soccer team (wish me luck!). Working on my speed and agility in addition to strength training is wonderful. But, the stress on my joints and muscle tightness […]