Consistency in Branding Breeds Legitimacy
Authenticity was a big buzzword in branding for awhile, okay we’re not fooling anyone, it’s still a buzzword, but there’s another one making the rounds lately that we think could use some clarification.
That word is consistency.
We hear “be consistent with your branding” and your “consistent brand image,” and although it seems like a lot of people have the gist of the meaning, we think the application of being consistent is a little tougher to nail down.
So here’s our breakdown of how consistency in branding breeds your legitimacy:
6 of the Best Branding Resources for Your Biz
6 of the Most Killer Branding Resources For You & Your Biz
Anything and everything you could need to know as it relates to branding can be found on the internet, but you already know that. But what you may not know is that a lot of the branding content out there actually doesn’t do a great job at explaining the true mechanics of a successful brand and can steer you down the wrong path.
For example, the number of articles out there that talk about branding strictly from a design standpoint with no other insight behind your brand far outweighs the good stuff that encompasses strategy, content and design.
Since we’re guessing you would like to do things successfully from the get-go when it comes to your brand, here are our tried and true resources that we’ve found (and continually returned to) that you can keep in your brand arsenal:
My Favorite Post-Workout Yoga Routine
Here at Hello Anna Branding, I’ve officially hopped on the fitness bandwagon again. Thanks to Hammer Smith Sports, I’m back at training to make the Atlanta Silverbacks Women’s soccer team (wish me luck!). Working on my speed and agility in addition to strength training is wonderful. But, the stress on my joints and muscle tightness it can cause is enough to make me walk funny. Not so wonderful. Fortunately, our friends over at Grokker have the answer: a yoga routine that stretches the hips and quads and all those body parts that get tense from your working out. And, you don’t need any fancy equipment to get your Oms on. Just follow along with Grokker’s user-friendly video after your next workout; your body and mind will thank you in the next day.