copywriting, graphic design, & social media management
Wish Farms uses Facebook to generate buzz in new regions.
Wish Farms is located in the strawberry capital of the world, Plant City, FL. They are known for growing quality produce, specifically strawberries and blueberries. As a third generation family-owned company, Wish Farms wanted to keep the integrity of the brand while still extending customer relationships outside of Florida. Amber Kosinsky, Director of Marketing at Wish Farms stated they had great responses from fans in the past, but wanted to open their demographic to wider, more national range of strawberry lovers.
Wish Farms, Florida native produce grower that specializes in blueberries and strawberries, came to us to see if we could help leverage their core brand idea and message to a new target market on the east coast. Because social media plays such a big role in marketing their products, Wish Farms wanted to challenge themselves with exploring new options outside of Florida. By actively engaging in every point of contact on their social networks, Wish Farms was able to build an emotional connection with current Fans and new ones.
Armed with a great campaign “Be My Valentine” we were able to capitalize on a national holiday while still visually appealing to the sense with a grand prize offer of chocolate covered strawberries.
We found several ways to measure the effectiveness of the social media campaign. With daily monitoring of Fan engagement on status updates, paid advertising, and tracking systems set in place, we were able to hit our goal of gaining new east coasters and rewarding our loyal Fans. Finding new customers can be a challenge for this competitive market, but with a small ad budget and well-organized strategy, Wish Farms was able to gain 2,067 new Facebook fans with a large portion of them coming from New York and Pennsylvania. The marketing team at Wish Farms is making all the right moves and it’s great to see thousands of happy Wish Farms lovers!